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P. 9

But Lord, it’s for You-
                              for your coming we wait,
                         the sky, not the grave, is our goal:
                                O trump of the angel!
                                 O voice of the lord!
                      Blessed hope! Blessed rest of my soul.
                  It is well (it is well) with my soul (with my soul);
                           it is well, it is well with my soul

              Written by Horatio Spafford (tune by Philip Paul Bliss)

                             The Message: Openness

                             led by Donalda Plowman
                    Please join in ‘Take oh take me as I am’
                         between sections of the prayer
                             Take, oh, take me as I am;
                            summon out what I shall be;
                            set your seal upon my heart
                                   and live in me.

                               Written by John L Bell

               Before our Blessing we enjoy dancing from Morena
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