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Truthful Spirit, dwell with me;
                               I myself would truthful be,
                            And with wisdom kind and clear
                              Let thy life in mine appear;
                              And with actions brotherly
                              Speak my Lord's sincerity.

           Tender Spirit, dwell with me;         Holy Spirit, dwell with me;
            I myself would tender be;             I myself would holy be,
           Tender in my love for men,           Separate from sin, I would
           Wooing them to God again;        Choose and cherish all things good;
        With compassion pure and sweet            And whatever I can be
           Lead the lost to Jesus' feet.      Give to him who gave me thee.

                                Pause for Reflection

                       ‘Someone cares’ sung by Alan Midwinter

                                    Bible Reading

                                    John 14: 1 - 6

                                 Words of Reflection


                        Amazing grace! How sweet the sound,
                             That saved a wretch like me!
                          I once was lost, but now am found,
                               Was blind but now I see.

                       'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
                             And grace my fears relieved;
                          How precious did that grace appear
                               The hour I first believed!

                       Through many dangers, toils and snares
                                 I have already come;
                        'Tis grace has brought me safe thus far
                             And grace will lead me Home.

                      When we've been there ten thousand years,
                               Bright shining as the sun,
                        We've no less days to sing God's praise
                              Than when we first begun.
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