Page 3 - news and views 2022 (Read-Only)
P. 3


         4       We all need angels                                Stephen Feltham

         7      Just a word                                   Rosemary Brown

         8       Migrants                                        Sarah Early

         9      Lessons                                      Sarah Early

         10    The Area Experiment with Light Group        David Brown, Bournemouth and
                                                                                                  Fordingbridge Meeting

         12    Holy Island and the Whistling Stones           Stephen Feltham

         15    Quaker Advice and Queries No. 42             Barbara Crawford, Poole Meeting
                                                                                 A Chance Encounter 8.10.21

         15    Image 1                                                        Mystery photography

         16    The Quakers before Christmas                    David Castro, Radnor Meeting, Pennsylvania.
                                                                                                                submitted by Hazel Dawkins

        18  Five reasons to be a Quaker in 2022         Paul Parker an article in QUAKE January 2022
                                                                                       submitted by David Brown

        19      Image 2                                                       Mystery photography

          20    Avian Antics                                Laura Sunderland

          21    Advices and queries no 6,                         Anon
                  Saying of Kahill Gibran

          22    AM  Discussion Group                                Bob Jacob

          22    Theism                                                        Valerie Dennis

        23    Meeting  for Worship—places and dates

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