Page 10 - November 2020 WCA Ketch Pen
P. 10

       From the WCW President
 Happy Fall Y’all!! I had the pleasure of attending the Siskiyou County Cattlewomen 65th Anniversary Meeting in October. It took place back home, in Dorris, CA, where I grew up. It was a great visit back home and it was even better to see so many family and friends while I was there. My mom has been the current president of SCCW for a few years and so
it was fun to see her organize and run such a great meeting.
so many beautiful western works of art. Landscapes, flowers, and cattle brands were some of the favorite inspirations for the ladies. The platters were sent over to the kiln, so I’m excited to see the results and hope mine turned out!
Our WCW Annual Meeting is set for November
9th at the WCA Office in Ellensburg. We will start the meeting at 10:00 AM and we also plan to have lunch catered for those attending in-person. Lunch price will be determined closer to the event. Door prizes will also be drawn during lunchtime! We are still working on the virtual portion of the event, so we will be emailing out the details on how to join our meeting from your home or office. Please also stay tuned to our website.
The Washington CattleWomen are also providing food for the Washington Young Farmers and Ranchers (YF&R) crew that are assisting ranchers up north in rebuilding fence after all the devastating wildfires. As Vice-Chair for WA YF&R, I want to thank the ladies that signed up to help with the food for this event!
We are currently set to help two ranchers this fall that haven’t received much support from elsewhere. We will be looking to possibly doing another fence building service project in the spring.
The Porterfield family with my Grandma Ruth as she received the Siskiyou County Pioneer Beef Woman of the Year award.
 President Kady Porterfield inducts the incoming Kittitas County Cattlewomen officers. From left to right: Kady, Treasurer; Barb Weber, Secretary; Amy Cziske, Vice President; Brenda Hart, President-Elect; Kris Akehurst, and President; Gail Shelton.
One of the biggest highlights of the event was my grandmother, Ruth Porterfield, being awarded the 2020 Pioneer Beef Woman of the Year. It was a huge surprise for her and was so nice that all her granddaughters
and children got to be there for her. I was also fun
as the cattlewomen presidents for all the West Coast states were also there as guests. It’s always a good time to get together with some fellow ANCW gals! I look forward to seeing them all again in Nashville, TN come February for the 2021 Cattle Convention.
At the end of the meeting, we had a great social event where we got to paint new platters. It was definitely fun to see everyone’s creative side and see
 Ketch Pen
November 2020

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