Page 24 - November 2020 WCA Ketch Pen
P. 24

 Livestock Identification Program News
By: Robbie Parke, Program Manager
Fall run is in full swing for the livestock identification program. WSDA brand inspectors will be extremely busy through the end of the year. We anticipate inspecting more than 225,000 cattle and horses between September and December this year. A reminder that
a brand inspection is required on all cattle changing ownership, moving out of state, consigned to a public livestock market, entering a certified feedlot or delivered to a USDA inspected slaughter plant. Please email call (360) 902- 1855 or go to to find a brand inspector in your area.
Options for brand inspection
In 2019, the livestock industry asked for more options and choices for brand inspections, and the legislature passed Senate Bill 5959 that expanded the use of
the Electronic Cattle Transaction Reporting System (ECTR), and added private field livestock inspectors to the existing certified veterinarian program. In order to use ECTR, you must use electronic official RFID tags commonly known as “840 tags.” Certified veterinarians and private field livestock inspectors are also an option. Although these individuals are not WSDA employees, they are trained and certified to conduct change of ownership and out-of-state movement inspections for the agency. They are also allowed to charge additional fees to cover their costs. Please visit our website at www. for more information.
Legislative report
The 2020 Livestock Identification Legislative
Report is now published. This report covers the financials of the livestock identification program and provides legislatively required recommendations on improvements that can be made. This report is available online at livestock-and-pets/livestock
Personnel changes
Brand inspector Ron Balkowitsch is retiring from WSDA after more than 14 years of service as a brand inspector in the Vancouver area. Ron is looking forward to spending some time with his grandkids and we wish him all the best. We want to recognize brand inspector Vicki Davis in Tonasket for 25 years of dedicated service to WSDA this month. We also want to welcome our newest brand inspector Callie Bailey in the Toppenish area. Callie has a wealth of experience in the ranching industry and we are excited to have her on board.
  Livestock Losses Due to Wildfires: Information for Producers
By: Dr. Minden Buswell
The summer 2020 wildfires in eastern and central Washington have been devastating. Here are some resources producers may find useful.
Document livestock and crop losses
WSDA does not have a fire relief fund but federal assistance related to wildfire losses may be available,
so document losses to crops and livestock. More information is available from your county Extension educator or USDA Farm Services Agency office. Visit fsa. for information on their assistance programs. Anyone who suffers livestock losses should document where they are found and photograph dead livestock where they lay. This will help with insurance claims.
Livestock identification
The WSDA Livestock Identification Program can help farmers and ranchers through brand inspection or ear tag identification if they need to identify livestock lost to a disaster. You can email
for help or visit and search for the Livestock Identification Program.
Disposing of livestock mortalities
Disposal methods approved by WSDA, the Washington State Department of Ecology and the Washington Board of Health include:
• Direct burial of carcasses: appropriate for small numbers of carcasses.
• Composting: must be conducted in compliance with chapter 70.95 RCW and chapter 173-350 WAC.
• Incineration: animal mortalities and byproducts can be incinerated in incinerator or cremation unit permitted by regional Clean Air Agencies.
• Rendering: carcasses may be rendered only by a rendering plant licensed under chapter 16.68 RCW.
• Landfill: certain landfills are allowed to take carcasses and butchering waste.
Open burning of animal carcasses and byproducts is not allowed under RCW 70.94.775.
Anyone who has experienced large numbers of mortalities and needs help with carcass disposal, including suitable locations, can contact WSDA at 360- 902-1878.
 News from the WSDA
 Ketch Pen
November 2020

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