Page 17 - The 2021 Spring & Summer Club Braman Magazine
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Table 26 is located at 1700 S. Dixie Hwy in West Palm Beach. To browse
menus, review current safety guidelines, and learn more about Table 26,
visit and for dining reservations, call 561-855-2660.
FOR THOSE LUCKY ENOUGH the effects of the coronavirus
pandemic were a slow build. Sure, there were some necessary
changes to daily routines last spring at the onset of nationwide As they see it, visitors who step through their doors have already
lockdowns, but a new normal was quickly established. For those in done them a favor—and deserve nothing but effusive gratitude
the hospitality industry however, March 17, 2020 instantly became and unmatched service in return. It’s an example embodied by the
a chaotic day that would live in infamy. proprietors and followed by every employee; and it’s why Table 26
was able to weather the COVID-19 storm.
Over the course of eight hours, Eddie Schmidt and Ozzie Meideros
of Table 26 in West Palm Beach, saw more than 100 cancelled Once the lockdowns went into effect, Eddie and Ozzie implemented
reservations. Shortly afterward, the two found themselves forced a to-go menu and began to personally deliver meals throughout
to lay off 64 employees, implement a pay cut for the remaining Palm Beach County. The remaining skeleton staff of less than a
managers, and precious few options to prevent their eight-year dozen willingly took on tasks far outside their job descriptions,
labor of love from shutting its doors forever. designing graphics for social media, sending emails, and coming up
with creative culinary dishes and specials.
Fortunately, Eddie and Ozzie aren’t the type to hunker down and
hope for the best. Their combined half-century of hospitality Though some downturn was unavoidable, thanks to their relentless
experience had taught them the value of tenacity, creativity, and adaptability, Table 26 has now welcomed back more than 40 of
resilience. Despite the odds, they knew they would find a way to their pre-pandemic staff.
provide for their staff and extended family.
Considering how they approach their own business, it should come
The dynamic duo had moved from Connecticut over two as no surprise that the two are loyal Braman Motorcars clients.
decades ago, arriving just as a flurry of development was Both immediately light up when discussing the inimitable Henry
set to take place along South Dixie Highway. The seasoned Green, who perhaps best embodies Braman’s spirit and values.
restaurateurs immediately saw the potential for a successful Their third and current BMW is a gleaming, glacial white 6-Series
establishment featuring upscale fare and—crucially—a full bar. GT—however, Ozzie already has his eyes on their next lease, and is
Over the near-decade since, Table 26 found its footing as a West contemplating an SUV upgrade. He admits the X7 they received as a
Palm Beach institution, with a number of local regulars and recent service loaner may or may not have been an influence.
loyal seasonal guests.
Whether it be selling vehicles or crafting cuisine, the most
The key to their ardent following is a simple one—though difficult essential ingredient to a memorable experience is service. A true
to repeat night after night, year after year: Eddie and Ozzie ensure commitment to the customer beats gimmicks, discounts—and
every single patron feels special. apparently, a global pandemic—every time. 17