Page 25 - The 2021 Spring & Summer Club Braman Magazine
P. 25

Then she passed by the bright lights of   The ever accommodating Braman MINI
            Braman BMW West Palm Beach.            of Palm Beach staff stayed with Jolie well
                                                   past 10:00pm buttoning everything up for     To learn more about Jolie’s
            In a nearly disastrous turn of events, she   her to take delivery the following morning.   Reiki and crystal healing
            arrived after hours and the doors appeared   Since then, Jolie has found only more joy in   techniques, purchase
            locked. Turning to leave, Jolie found herself   MINI ownership; from the generous cabin
            approached by MINI Motoring Advisor    to the zippy sport mode, to the—intuitive—   one of her self-authored
            Kurt Kressu, who encouraged her into   handling characteristics. Though this was    books, or download
            the adjacent Braman MINI of Palm Beach   her first Braman Motorcars experience, Jolie   guided meditations, visit
            showroom. Once through the doors, Jolie was   already has a feeling she’ll be back again. Roku
            instantly captivated by the Thunder Gray                                            subscribers can now also
            Metallic MINI Countryman S in the center of   Life changing experiences often occur as one
            the room. Though all her previous cars had   least expects it—whether it be behind the   take advantage of Jolie’s
            been bright shades of red, Jolie settled in the   unpretentious doors of a humble boutique,   My Metaphysical Channel
            front seat of the surprisingly capricious MINI,   or while simply searching for dinner. Either   on their TVs.
            and knew that she’d found a fated match.   way, Jolie knows her journey led her to
                                                   Braman, and her MINI, for a reason.

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