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CLUB BRAMAN MAKES THE EXTRAORDINARY ACCESSIBLE, in Delray Beach. The two hit it off immediately, and shortly
and exceeds the highest of expectations while eschewing thereafter Yellowtail, Modern Asian Cuisine and Sushi was born.
pretension. It’s an ethos that is a natural match for chef, Keenly aware of the rash of casual Thai and Japanese eateries
restaurateur, and gastronomic impresario Andrew Rothschild. dotting South Florida, the vision for Yellowtail was decidedly
Owing to his formal training in France, Andrew is well-versed in more upscale. Top-quality ingredients are imported from across
providing the finest of dining experiences, but decided to instead the world, contributing to the mixture of traditional and creative
focus on approachability when he opened his first Chicago dishes found throughout the menu.
restaurant in 1993. The Marc was the first in the city to eliminate a
formal dress code, taking the sheen off the fine dining experience, Andrew’s favorite offering is the Candy Yellowtail roll; a fitting
and welcoming an eclectic mix of patrons. homage featuring the restaurant’s namesake paired with crispy
salmon skin, candied garlic chips, and micro cilantro. More
The vibe was infectious—and the restaurant took off in daring clients can take advantage of the Omakasa experience—
popularity, proving Andrew’s vision to be a viable concept. translating to “trust the chef.” The skilled culinary artists behind
the sushi bar pick and prepare specialties based on their favorite
In keeping with his self-imposed tradition of remaining ahead and available ingredients—and serve up the massive meal with a
of the curve, Andrew was also a pioneer of the Asian fusion one-of-a-kind presentation.
culinary concept. Between guidance from his wife, who hails from
the Philippines, and the utilization of specific ingredients and Andrew believes the best dining experiences are intuitive and
techniques, The Marc quickly achieved recognition as one of the customer-centric. After all, even the best ingredients mean little
best Pan Asian restaurants in the country. without the service to match. It’s no wonder then, that he and
his wife are loyal Braman Motorcars customers; his, a rocket of a
In the early 2000s, Andrew received a call from an acquaintance BMW 330i, while hers is the more practical, though still exciting,
offering him the position of Executive Chef at the prestigious X3. Similar to the culture established at his restaurants, Andrew
Forge in Miami Beach. Making the move south, Andrew fell in love appreciates that every Braman Motorcars employee truly cares
with Florida, and hasn’t left since. His first solo venture in West about their craft and is passionate about delivering a world-class
Palm Beach became the highly popular Tsunami in CityPlace, experience.
now Rosemary Square.
Browse menus and reservations for Yellowtail, Modern Asian
In between gigs, Andrew received a call from one of his contacts Cuisine and Sushi at
hoping to connect him with an aspiring restaurant developer 49
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