Page 32 - 2021-Fall-Winter Magazine_Club-Braman
P. 32


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Browse the 8 Series line
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    now at

              TO THE UNINITIATED, THE LUXURY GRAND   So renowned, the GT’s first generation was                                               No matter the desired driving experience,   in harmony to provide instant motivation at
            TOURER segment may appear crowded.    often referred to as a measuring stick years                                                there’s an 8 Series variant to suit. The low-slung   any speed, providing a confidence which belies
            Despite the undeniable popularity of   after its 1999 demise.                                                                     2-door is an aggressive cruise missile, while   its proportions. The result is a consistently
            utilitarian crossovers and brawny SUVs,                                                                                           the elongated Gran Coupe gains rear entries,   predictable handling arc, aided by the
            many of the auto industry’s biggest players   The years between the original and                                                  expanded leg room, and an impressive cargo   immediacy of the tenacious brakes.
            still reserve this segment for their flagship   current iterations have resulted in                                               hold with the passenger seats towed away.
            offerings; the models that pair power,   a more balanced, more capable, and                                                                                               Truthfully, more of the 8 Series’ time will be
            technology, and comfort into achingly   even more beautiful wayfarer. In either                                                   Of course, the ideal amalgamation of style,   spent in stasis than motion; a fact which benefits
            attractive architectures hailing from all   840i or M850i xDrive guise, a 12.3-inch                                               practicality, and all-weather enjoyment is only   from its undeniable presence. Simultaneously
            corners of the globe. However, for those   digital gauge cluster greets the driver,                                               found in convertible form.              slick and imposing, a single unabridged line can
            loyal to the segment, only one option   who can digest its myriad of data via a                                                                                           seemingly be traced from front to rear. The 8
            embodies a heritage of style, performance,   high-tech HUD projected onto the front                                               BMW’s driver-focused DNA is never far    Series will neither be lost to anonymity either in
            practicality, and driving enjoyment: the   windshield, and adjust the ambient                                                     below the curvaceous exterior panels, and   a parking lot or on the road.
            BMW 8 Series.                         lighting to their preference. Supple                                                        the new 8 Series shines as the road tightens.
                                                  leather interior treatments and wireless                                                    Despite powerful six and eight cylinder   Regardless of the chasm in time between
            Recently emerging from a two decade   smartphone charging are standard, but                                                       engines, horsepower and torque figures   renditions, BMW’s bellwether has again
            hiatus, the reincarnated 8 Series     multiple headliner finishes, opulent                                                        have less to do with the experience than the   rendered an entire automotive segment
            immediately reclaimed its position as the   crystal adornments, and nigh-infinitely                                               intelligent all-wheel drive system and brilliant   redundant. Unfortunately for its competitors,
            alpha and omega of the sector.        adjustable seats are available as options.                                                  automatic transmission. Both work       this time it’s come to stay.

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