Page 41 - 2021-Fall-Winter Magazine_Club-Braman
P. 41

Each needs no introduction. Each speaks volumes.

                                                                           Make no mistake however; the Continental GT
                                                                           Convertible, particularly in its V8 guise, is anything
                                                                           but a quiet accessory. The menacing idle of the twin-
                                                                           turbocharged engine makes no attempt to disguise
                                                                           each of the 542 corralled horses, raring to break free
                                                                           all the way up to the nearly 200 mph top speed. With
                                                                           the top stowed, the aural onslaught of the tailpipes
                                                                           conveys to all within earshot that the time for talk is
                                                                           long past—only action remains. The brute doesn’t
                                                                           so much accelerate, brake, or change direction as it
                                                                           imposes its will upon the earth beneath it.

                                                                           The confines of the interior cabin temper the
                                                                           insinuation of aggression slightly. The plush carpeting
                                                                           and luxurious bucket seats swathed in meticulously
                                                                           quilted leather deafen every hum and vibration,
                                                                           while the thickly-padded wheel naturally finds the
                                                                           pocket of the driver’s palms. The silence inherent in its
                                                                           operation, even with triple-digit wind speeds rushing
                                                                           across the soft roof, is the Continental’s calling card.

                                                                           The chameleon-like body lines of the exterior can
                                                                           either telepath sophistication and elegance when
                                                                           draped in grayscale, or proclaim bombast and
                                                                           character in hues of yellow, red, or tangerine. It is a
                                                                           shape that bends language to its will—reconfiguring
                                                                           speed and class to synonyms.

                                                                           Among the more than 6,500 languages spoken the
                                                                           world over, there are few universal interpretations.
                                                                           However, when it comes to the bonnet of this big
                                                                           Bentley, nothing is possibly lost in translation. Even in
                                                                           silence, the Continental GT V8 Convertible says it all.

                                                                             Browse current Bentley Continental Inventory today

                            Models: Matthew Hornaday, Neisi Hornaday
                            Vehicle: 2020 Bentley Continental GT V8 Convertible
                            Location: Old Palm Golf Club

  AT SOME INDETERMINATE POINT OF AN AEON LONG AGO, human   For as obsessed as we are with speaking, singing, and writing to
 ancestors devised complex communication patterns as a method   each other, man also appears preoccupied with communicating
 of surviving within a hostile ecosystem. We were never the   a message without uttering a single sound. Indeed, we pursue
 strongest or fastest inhabitants of our planet, but our ability to   with great fervor totems which clearly speak for themselves: a
 exchange information and ideas set us on an evolutionary fast   Phillippe Patek wristwatch; an Hermes Birkin bag; a Bentley
 track, and is still an essential aspect of our daily lives.  Continental GT Convertible.

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