Page 11 - The 2020 Spring and Summer Club Braman Magazine
P. 11



 customers describe at length their positive
 experiences with the Client Advisors of
 Braman Motorcars. After all, a World Class
 Experience is what Braman has long staked
 its reputation on. Less common is hearing
 a member of the oft-lauded sales staff
 gush over a client. Perhaps most rare of all
 however, is that client not only living up to,
 but surpassing all the wonderful things she
 is purported to be.
                           Though already a happy owner of a 2017      the salty air and sand-tinged wind of the beach just
 Then again, Norma Baker is one in a million;   Continental, Norma soon took delivery of her white-  outside her residence at The Breakers.
 and her actual grace and authenticity can   on-white 2020 Continental GT Convertible as a
 hardly be captured in words.   birthday present.                      The color so perfectly captured her Palm Beach
                                                                       lifestyle that she quickly added a matching white
 Norma’s bright Lilly Pulitzer and   While white is not her favorite color—that would   Rolls-Royce Cullinan to the stable as well.
 Chanel ensembles are outshone only   be a two-way tie between “pink” and “sparkly”—the
 by the sparkle in her eyes, which shine   ivory hue does hold significance. Back in Kentucky,   The Bentley is the epitome of understated, yet
 brightest when she proudly speaks of her   where Norma and her husband spend around half   undoubted elegance—and should one only know
 humble roots in Welch, a West Virginia   the year on a horse farm, a Rolls-Royce Cullinan   Norma from a distance, it would appear to perfectly
 coal-mining town. Her kind demeanor—  draped in navy blue paint resides, serving as a   capture her essence. However, those who spend
 instilled by her parents—is imminently   testament to the couple’s undying UK fandom. For   time with her know there’s far more to her than the
 apparent as she goes out of her way to   her time spent in South Florida, Norma needed   beautiful car and brilliant outfits. As she puts it,
 express her gratitude toward the Braman   something that properly reflected the deep green of   people remember you not for what you have, but for
 Bentley Palm Beach team, citing Service   swaying palm trees and stunning blue waves of the   how you treat them.
 Advisor Peggy Skiffington and Client   Atlantic. The convertible top was a requirement as
 Advisor David Banner by name.   well—allowing Norma to always feel connected to   This makes Norma Baker truly unforgettable.

 Norma and David have worked together
 for years, culminating in around ten
 new vehicle purchases. One of her latest
 however, was a bit unplanned. While
 attending the grand opening of Braman’s
 state-of-the-art luxury campus housing
 Bentley and Rolls-Royce of Palm Beach,
 as well as a luxury pre-owned showroom,
 Norma fell in love with the brand-new
 2020 Continental GT Convertible on
 display. The flagship model had been
 boldly redesigned with sculpted rear
 fenders, bold character lines, and an
 interior reminiscent of a private jet.

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