Page 46 - The 2020 Spring and Summer Club Braman Magazine
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BMW M Joel
BMW Genius
GENIUS-LEVEL INTELLECT is often first identified Not an easy task, but nothing a Genius can’t handle.
in youth. Sometimes it can be obvious—in other
cases, it’s more subtle. In Joel Chong’s case, the first In fact, the acknowledgement of different learning
hint became apparent at seven years old; his parents and communication styles are what birthed the
bought him a Hot Wheels case for his toy cars. Joel astoundingly popular videos that Joel—alongside
immediately set about collecting every iteration of Social Media Specialist Andrea Jara—have recently
the popular four-wheeled knickknacks, begging his produced. These snippets have been distributed
father to purchase a new addition to his collection across social media accounts as well as broadcast
during every shopping trip. on the multiple television screens throughout
the dealership. Feedback has been nothing short
The foundation for vehicular obsession was thus of sensational. It is for this reason that General
laid, and Joel gradually built upon it as he matured. Manager Stephen Grossman presented Joel with an
It eventually led him to Braman BMW of West “Oscar” award for his lauded performances!
The most powerful letter in the world.
Palm Beach, where he joined the team as a Product
Specialist about four years ago. Clearly not one to For Joel, the success of the video segments has
Packed with power and made to maneuver, BMW M excels on the track and in the street. And after four
ever be satisfied, Joel leapt at every opportunity to simply been a matter of playing to his numerous
decades of hair-raising thrills, it’s still pushing the limits. Grip the wheel of any of our M vehicles – from tackle additional responsibilities, ultimately finding strengths. In addition to his automotive enthusiasm,
coupes and convertibles to Sports Activity Vehicles – and elevate your adrenaline rushes to a higher himself at the head of the dealership’s resident he has always dreamed of being involved in acting
level. Genius team. and films. While he is currently pursuing his degree
in Investment Management at Palm Beach State,
Exceptional offers now available at Braman BMW. Come in for a test drive today. Being a BMW Genius certainly requires a vast and may one day follow a different professional
knowledge of the brand’s offerings. However, even path, in the meantime Braman Motorcars customers
more important is the innate ability to educate and can—and should—take full advantage of having
inform clients in ways they will understand and their very own on-site BMW Genius.
appreciate. Every customer is unique and learns
in different ways, making the ability to effectively To see Joel in action, and learn more about the BMW
communicate absolutely critical. Genius team, visit
Braman BMW West Palm Beach Braman BMW Jupiter
2901 Okeechobee Blvd. 1555 W. Indiantown Rd.
561-609-0118 561-203-8796 47
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