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Though effortlessly capable of gathering The convertible variant introduces either a
speed whenever called upon, the 440i xDrive muted open air experience while cruising,
can leap onto the balls of its feet in an or an influx of pleasant exhaust notes
instant. 382 horsepower and eight forward courtesy of a firm press of the gas pedal. The
gears will rocket drivers to 60 mph in around folding cloth system replaces the previous
four seconds—an ability reserved for high- generation’s hardtop to the benefit of quicker
grade M cars only several years ago. The all- operation, lowered weight, and increased
wheel drive chassis demonstrates relentless headroom. An innovative flush-mounted rear
grip over smooth and pot-marked tarmac window and multiple layers of insulation
with equal aplomb, while the responsive render the interior whisper quiet, while
4-piston front calipers of the M Sport brakes the new architecture’s structural rigidity
immediately halt any extra-legal chicanery. eliminates the quivers ingrained with
Fortunately, more than 30 highway miles- roofless designs of a bygone era.
per-gallon will afford plenty of opportunities
to explore the 4 Series’ full potential. The sole drawback to this universal charm
may be finding one of your own.
Then of course, one may opt for the drop top.
AS IT TURNS OUT, YOU CAN PLEASE EVERYONE ALL The 440i xDrive will escort you to triple digits quicker than Browse all available
THE TIME. you can say “Here’s my license and registration, officer.” 4 Series inventory now at and
There’s no compromise in the latest generation of Idling among rush hour traffic, the 4 Series provides
BMW’s do-it-all coupe and convertible. The 2021 4 the same technology and solitude inherent in BMW’s
Series excels at being both a luxurious Grand Tourer flagship offerings. Even adult rear seat passengers
and a raucous sports car, depending on the driver’s are granted the space to lounge amid the soft leather
goal on any particular day. Need to ferry the family confines and take advantage of individual USB ports.
to a quiet dinner at Table 26? Your Bavarian butler A premium was placed on interior storage throughout;
will deliver the brood in style and comfort. Want to the deep pockets in either door house an additional
transform the barren stretches of Beeline Highway cupholder, and the 12-cubic-foot trunk is larger than
into your own personal autobahn? any of its 2-door luxury rivals.
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