Page 23 - 2022-Spring Summer Magazine_FINAL Single_Neat
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As an all-encompassing undertaking, the local families. What makes her most proud
term “school” is in reality a bit of a misnomer. however, is having never turned a potential
It is more of a one-stop resource center student away for lack of financial resources.
not only for its students, but their families. The mission is all that matters to Mary Jo and
The academy is open year-round, with staff her equally enthusiastic and empathetic staff.
remaining on-site until 5:30 p.m.—allowing
working parents adequate time to arrive. That’s not to say it’s all work and no
Students range in age from five to 22, and play, though. Mary Jo is also committed
younger children who cannot receive to enjoying her downtime—especially
the attention they need from traditional when it comes to spending that time in
preschools are welcome to the in-house her convertible 4 Series she has dubbed
therapy center. Furthermore, Mary Jo offers “Maxine.” While the BMW’s beautiful lines
free education and training for family and bright gold paint initially drew her in,
members looking to foster their child’s the shared commitment to customers and
continued growth and development, and the community she discovered at Braman
even gainful employment opportunities at Motorcars ultimately made her a devotee—
the school whenever possible. no small feat for a midwestern girl who grew
up a fan of cars and trucks boasting a blue
Comprehensive hardly comes close to oval rather than a blue and white sphere.
accurately describing the supportive
ecosystem that Mary Jo has established for 23