Page 6 - 2022-Spring Summer Magazine_FINAL Single_Neat
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THE DOOR SHUTS GENTLY WITH THE FAINTEST WHOMP his vehicle—or passenger. As they noiselessly depart,
before the onset of total silence. The hum of insects, soft the sun’s waning rays play over the small “Hybrid”
whistle of salt air, and steady lapping of waves against script along the door. It is the only indication that this
the dock are rendered imperceptible. A cocoon of peace particular model is an example of what the company
descends, upholstered in buttery leather. expects to become its best-selling offering.
The driver briefly taps the start button, and the silence The battery’s location necessitated the elimination of
remains. Rather than a roaring, ostentatious spectacle, the third row, but the increased agility and lightened
the 2022 Bentley Bentayga Hybrid is simply and steering feel pay dividends in enjoyment as he
instantly ready. The electric motor and rear-mounted navigates A1A’s sweeping curves. Through the lineal
battery pack are an acknowledgement of progress; the sections in between, he knows the electronically-
manufacturer’s lineup will become hybrid-only within assisted and turbocharged 6-cylinder engine is
a few years—followed by solely electric powertrains by capable of delivering the force of 443 horsepower
decade’s end. without a moment’s hesitation, yet he maintains a
light touch on the pedal—taking full advantage of the
In the present though, the future has already arrived. 30 miles of electric range. After all, restraint has long
He summons a fraction of the 516 lb-ft of available been luxury’s peer.
torque and pulls away, careful not to upset the poise of