Page 13 - V1_2020-Fall-Winter Magazine
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While we still encourage our employees to take
personal time when necessary, any that travel
by air or leave the state do commit to a 2-week
quarantine upon their return.
Of course the true stars of the show are the
luxury and sports cars available from our
dealerships. However, without the proper
precautions, these same cars can inadvertently
put our clients at risk. Before and after every test
drive, we apply Bio-Pledge disinfectant spray to
all touch points, including steering wheels, door
COVID, get rid! For those seeking a new or pre-owned car, we
handles, shifters, seats, and dashboards.
offer at-home or at-work test drives and free
delivery. Additionally, current owners of any
Braman Motorcars vehicle can take advantage
of at-home or at-work service appointment
COVID-19 CHANGED OUR WORLD NEARLY OVERNIGHT. pick-up or delivery. Owners can rest easy with
Routines, commutes, and the ways we interact with the knowledge that their vehicle’s steering
each other have still not returned to what we once wheel, shifter, and seats are protected by plastic
called “normal.” There was a lot we didn’t know in the covers, and Bio-pledge disinfectant spray is
beginning, and there’s plenty we still don’t know today. applied to all touch points prior to its return.
But providing a World Class Experience for our clients
has never been in question. Thanks to our established culture of putting
our clients first, this pivot toward a new normal
We believe you can never be too careful or too prepared, has been a relatively easy one for Braman
so we set about developing a strategic approach to Motorcars. No matter what may happen in
health and safety within all departments with the the world around us, our top priority has
explicit goal of keeping our clients, staff and vendors always been—and will remain—your health,
out of harm’s way. Each and every Braman Motorcars safety, and comfort. If you have questions or
employee throughout our six dealership campus now would like to learn more about the lengths we
works under a strict mask mandate and submits to a devotedly pursue for your protection on a daily
daily temperature check prior to reporting to their basis, contact your favorite Braman Motorcars
workstations—among other safety precautions. Client Advisor today.
We then focused on ways to facilitate our clients’ ability
to purchase and maintain their vehicles. Transportation
is an integral part of keeping our economy moving, and
our support of it was mandatory. From online buying to
home delivery; service pickup and parts availability—
all had to be addressed.
Even our showrooms themselves have been intelligently
modified with stickers placed at responsible social
distances, and sanitizing stations mounted on walls
throughout each dealership. Client Advisors also
maintain individual hand sanitizer bottles at their
desks. Throughout the day, we rely on our porting team
to constantly disinfect desktops, door handles, and other
hard surfaces.
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