Page 55 - V1_2020-Fall-Winter Magazine
P. 55

Finding Joy

 In The Journey

              Rolls-Royce welcomed the 2010s with the
              introduction of the Ghost. One of the cars paraded
              through the show circuit and splashed across
              the covers of press materials featured a gorgeous
              blue and purple hue underneath a bright silver
              hood. Figuring if it was good enough for the
              manufacturer of the finest luxury automobiles
              on the planet, Matt promptly ordered his in the
              same scheme. This was followed by a Phantom
              Drophead Coupe, and most recently, this stunning
              Dawn—each slathered in the same eye-catching
              combination. While Matt enjoys dozens of vehicles
              in his collection, he insists the Dawn—boasting a
              perfect blend of speed and luxury—is a keeper.

              Throughout his decades of success in the metal
              refining industry, Matt has learned first-hand the
              power of customer satisfaction. He recognizes this
              is a professional mission that Braman Motorcars
              shares. He relies on the Braman Motorcars campus
              not only to service his Ghost, Dawn, and Corniche,
              but also his bright red Bentley GTC—with
              matching red and white interior blessed with Steve
              Grossman’s personal stamp of approval—as well
              as the Porsche Panamera and 911 of his significant
              other (and gracious photoshoot model at right),
              Jessica. The two are both also anxiously awaiting
              his hot blue 2020 Bentley Flying Spur, currently
              on order.
              Clearly, Matt likes chromaticity. He equates
  LIKE NEARLY ALL FORTUNATE ENOUGH to witness one of the mobile pieces of art to originate from GoodWood,
 England, Matt Garfield has long been a fan of Rolls-Royce automobiles. The gallant design language, luxurious   witnessing a luxury or sports car in grayscale to a
              dagger being driven through his heart. Ubiquitous
 interior appointments, and powerful engines were each enrapturing in their own right; but for Matt, ecstasy   in one of his bright pink golf polos and matching
 always lied away from the iconic hood ornament—more specifically, behind the wheel.
              hat, Matt relishes being the subject of impromptu
              photo ops at gas stations, and allowing admiring
 Not content to own a car that spent most of its time hibernating within a climate-controlled garage, Matt has had   children the chance to get up close and personal
 no qualms over driving his Rolls-Royces, starting when he took several of the elder statesmen of his family for a   with his dream machines. To him, these type of
 ride in his first, a brown and tan-topped 1981 Silver Shadow II.
              vehicles should be expressions of joy and one’s
              inner character, as opposed to hollow displays
 While the ‘80s proved a somewhat turbulent time for his business, Matt would go on to own two other of   of power or prestige. While Matt hopes to inspire   To follow Matt’s lead and find the perfect automotive
 Goodwood’s finest during the decade—the first an impulse purchase which lacked an operational braking   some of his fellow owners to explore a wider color   outlet for your inner Spirit of Ecstasy, visit Braman Rolls-
 system. The second was in decidedly better shape, being a classic arctic white over black leather 1982 Corniche,   palette, his golden piece of advice as a Rolls-Royce   Royce Palm Beach today.
 which Matt emancipated from the castle of a Swiss Count. However, lacking an enclosed garage, the Corniche   enthusiast and owner for decades, is to simply
 became waterlogged after spending a majority of its time in the elements. Rather than desert it, Matt embraced   drive their cars more often. He guarantees you
 the restoration process by repainting the Corniche red and reupholstering the interior in tan. It remains a   won’t regret it.
 cherished member of his stable today.

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