Page 5 - Flip Book - Welcome to CEIST FINAL
P. 5

Our schools, all around Ireland, are recognised as schools of

         excellence in providing strong grounding to achieving academic
         excellence. Department of Education inspections will attest to this

         fact and samples can be read at


           “Both teachers and students exhibited high
           expectations for learning. An analysis of

           student outcomes at Leaving Certificate                            “The quality of leader-
           indicated a consistently high uptake of higher-                    ship and management is

           level papers, with many students excelling                         excellent, a highly
           across all subjects”                                               effective Board of
           CEIST School: Department of Education and Skills Inspection        Management and senior

                                                                              leadership team
                                                                              promote a culture of

          “Innovation and creativity in learning is central to                care and  continuous

          this school and is reflected in the development of                  improvement for staff
          attractive learning spaces, innovative teaching                     and students” .
                                                                              CEIST School: Department of
          practices and a very positive student-teacher
                                                                              Education and Skills Inspection
          rapport, all of which support students’
          engagement with their learning” .

          CEIST School: Department of Education and Skills Inspection
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