P. 3
How to Write an Expert Report: Regulatory and Compliance Aspects
1. Introduction
1.1. Course Learning Outcomes
1.2. Methodology
1.3. Assessment
1.4. References
2. When can expert evidence be admitted?
2.1. Requirements for the admission of expert evidence: Holtzhausen v Roodt
2.2. The reason for the existence of the rule
2.3. Qualification of the general rule
3. Qualification of an expert witness: who do the courts regard as an “expert”?
3.1. Consideration of expert opinion: Commissioner for the South African
Revenue Service v Stepney Investments
3.2. The expert must be duly qualified by virtue of having “specialised knowledge”
3.3. When expert opinion is unnecessary: R v Turner
3.4. The opinion must be properly reasoned
4. The question of bringing “specialised knowledge” to the court, and the two
categories of where such specialised knowledge will be regarded as being of
assistance by the courts.
4.1. The nature of the specialised knowledge
4.2. Circumstances where the court can benefit from the assistance of an expert:
Coopers (SA) (Pty) Ltd v Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Schädlingsbekämfung
4.3. The test for admission of expert evidence: Twine v Naidoo
4.4. The nature of specialised knowledge: Holtzhauzen v Roodt