Page 45 - BiTS_08_AUGUST_2022
P. 45

even though you’ll also find fiddle, mandolin and banjo mixing Americana with it, as on ‘Front-
    line Worker Blues’. The only real exception to this is ‘Dried Up Hearts’, which is almost country-

    Jay’s not afraid to put his point of view forward either. The result is a rather fine and compelling
    album. Do check him out.

    Norman Darwen


                                           Misty Blues—The Hate—Lunaria (Single)

                                           An important single unfortunately. Unfortunately? That is
                                           because this is a response to a racist comment left in response

                                           to a video by Misty Blues from Massachusetts. It’s an affecting
                                           slow blues, with guests, vocalist Kat Riggins and slide guitarist

                                           Justin Johnson, and the rest of the band backing up leader
                                           Gina Coleman’s impassioned singing. It’s a mournful

                                           performance and I hope that the anonymous troll that
                                           inspired its creation feels suitably ashamed. But of course,

                                           they probably won’t, more’s the pity… but Misty Blues
    continue their upward trajectory anyway.
    Norman Darwen

                                           Mick Pini & Audio 54—Are You Blind?— House of
                                           Happiness (Digital Ep)

                                           Germany-based UK blues-rock singer and guitarist Mick Pini –
                                           heading towards 60 years in the business, somewhat
                                           incredibly! - has recently been releasing some rather nice
                                           material recorded with the UK’s Audio 54 (producer/ multi-
                                           instrumentalist Craig Mashall) and here’s another four track
                                           EP. This one starts rather differently – it’s the title track and a
                                           reggae number, complete with dub interlude, but certainly
                                           spiced up with Mick’s blues licks. It’s different, but do listen…

                                           Next up is the six and a half minutes of the slower, languid
                                           instrumental ‘Late Night Blues’, with a slightly jazzy, almost
    T-Bone Walker-ish feel to Mick’s playing. ‘Hard Lesson In Love’ is another slightly unexpected
    number, with the quieter acoustic setting complementing Pete Feenstra’s lyrics rather nicely

    and a very fine vocal by Mick himself. The closing ‘Full Moon Blues’ has some gritty playing
    including wah wah guitar, a serious, slightly spooky vocal and a strong blues groove.

    So, another very listenable release. Apparently there may be an album later in the year too,
    which should certainly be worth hearing.
    Norman Darwen

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