Page 24 - BiTS_11_NOVEMBER_2022
P. 24
BiTS: Tell me what you’re expecting from the audiences in the UK. Have you played in the UK
JL: I have never played in the UK before. These will be my first European shows ever and I’m
very excited. I’ve been very happy getting messages from people who have been following the
journey of The Boneshakers since I joined it and also following my personal journey since we
released “Sweet Thing” with Moonshine Society in November a couple of years ago and people
just excited to see me coming across the pond and to finally attend a show in person. Some DJs
that have been playing our tracks who are going to be at the shows, and it’s been a very
welcoming group of people so far. I’m really excited to be there.
The Boneshakers live at the Tuesday Night Music Club in
early October 2022
BiTS: I’ve got one more question for you. I understand that you do some work supporting
cancer research. Tell me something about that.
JL: I do. A few years ago, I was diagnosed with stage 1 cervical cancer, and we caught it early and
it was all thanks to me having a very diligent doctor who saw something not quite right on my
annual test and insisted that we go back and do it again. At the time I wasn’t thinking much of it.
I’m thinking, I’m too young for this to be something serious. It’s probably just a faulty test. We’ll
do it again and it wasn’t a faulty test, and thanks to her, I think we’re having this conversation
now that it didn’t get much worse than where it already was, but there was an organisation here
in Washington DC, called Cancer Can Rock and they work with musicians who are going through
the midst of dealing with having cancer and they bring them into the recording studio. They give
them kind of a mental vacation for a day to just take their thoughts away from what their body’s
going through and what their families are going through, and they record a song with a wonderful
house band. They create a music video that day with you and it’s something that you and your
family can have regardless of what happens down the road. Between that group and Magee-
Women’s Health in Pittsburgh, which also focuses on cancer in women and research, I do concerts
that benefit both of them. We raise money for their research and to fund projects that they do.
BiTS: That’s absolutely fabulous. What a great idea that is. I really love that. Terrific stuff.
Jenny, thank you very much indeed for chatting to me, it’s been great.
JL: Thanks Ian, It’s been a pleasure.