Page 31 - BiTS_11_NOVEMBER_2022
P. 31

The BiTS Interview: Geoff Muldaur

     Geoff  Muldaur  (born  August  12,  1943)  is  an  American  active  singer,  guitarist  and

     composer, who was a founding member of the Jim Kweskin Jug Band and a member of
     Paul Butterfield's “Better Days”. He also recorded with Bobby Charles, Jerry Garcia, Eric

     Von Schmidt, Bonnie Raitt, and John Cale. In the early 1980s, Muldaur left the stage and
     recording studio for a working sabbatical. He wrote scores for film and television, won

     an  Emmy  Award,  and  produced  albums  for  Lenny  Pickett  and  Richard  Greene.

    BiTS: Okay then. Let’s make a start. I want to talk to you, of course, about this absolutely fabulous
    new set of pieces of music by you under the title of “His Last Letter”. Tell me how the idea came
                                                                               to you in the first place. I know
                                                                               that  you  found  a  letter  and
                                                                               various  other  bits.  What  gave
                                                                               you  the  idea  of  doing  an
                                                                               international piece of work?

                                                                               GM: My goodness. Well, there’s a
                                                                               lot  to  that  question.  I  mean,  in
                                                                               terms of just starting to do some
                                                                               music  in  Amsterdam  and  see
                                                                               what came of it, that was just, I
                                                                               don’t know, it was an idea that
                                                                               dropped out of the clouds, but in
                                                                               terms  of  getting  the  last  letter
                                                                               from my great grandfather and
                                                                               writing an octet, that came about
                                                                               halfway through the process of
                                                       Geoff Muldaur
                                                                               being in Amsterdam, and it was
                                                                               moving. It was quite moving, and
    I had some pieces of music that I had slated to sometime and someday be used in a classical piece
    and I just started doing it, man. When you start a book or a piece of music or whatever, after a
    while, it starts to write you, you know.

    BiTS:  [Chuckling] Yes, I understand.

    GM: Yes, just getting started is the key, so that’s what I did and out came a 20-minute octet and
    I’m very happy with it and I’m very, very pleased to have spent that time in Amsterdam and met
    all these great musicians. What a joy.

    BiTS:  The CDs are absolutely fabulous and the book is unspeakably beautiful. I just love it. I love

    it all. Tell me, you’ve got two CDs, each with about ten or 11 tracks on them. How much stuff did
    you throw away?
    GM: I can think of three pieces, you can’t say throw away, but we didn’t publish them with

    everything else. They didn’t hold up, or they were too different or whatever, but I hope you’re
    happy with what’s there. This is very common when you make an album, there’s cuts that don’t
    make it on the album. That’s all.
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