Page 11 - BiTS_01_JANUARY_2024
P. 11
LL: Who are some the artists you represented and what did that experience teach you
about the blues music business?
KH: The first artist that I represented was
now Grammy® nominated Mr. Sipp. I then
acquired several others with our agency
which was Muzik 4 You Entertainment at
that time and we represented Dexter
Allen, Johnny Rawls, Ms Hy-C, Lady A and
a few others. One thing I learned early on
was that the blues is comprised of a
family. As someone who’s had skin in the
game, I learned who the right people are
to reach out to and how to approach both
artists and folks on the business side. I
learned what works and what does not.
LL: How did you wind up stepping in as
interim President and CEO at The Blues
KH: I was on the Board of Directors for The Blues Foundation twice. The first time was a learning
experience and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The second time I was asked to join the board, things
were a little different. There were changes in leadership and things felt different. When my
predecessor resigned last year, I was interviewed and offered the position to be interim
President. I was inerim for a little over a year and now I am permanent. I love what I do and what
we stand for.
LL: What are the current challenges for The Blues Foundation post-COVID and what is
your vision for The Blues Foundation?
KH: The current challenges are just rebuilding and getting us back to where we were pre
pandemic. My vision is to make sure we keep the blues alive by involving more young people
through educating them about the rich history and heritage of blues music and why it's so
valuable. They need to know that the music they're listening to today derives from the blues in
one way or another. Also, getting more involved
with the Memphis community. They need to know
that we exist and what we're all about.
LL: How will you address new membership
recruitment, and pause of participation caused
by COVID isolation?
KH: Our membership is quite healthy. Of course,
we lost a few during the pandemic but overall, we
are good with membership and steadily growing.
We have membership campaigns going on each
month which have been remarkably successful. We
will have a year-round presence at our new IBC
host hotel that will intrigue guests to come visit
and check out membership options while they are
in town.