Page 25 - BiTS_02_FEBRUARY_2023_Neat
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and how it informed the next 20 years of where I was going to go. So it was a really good

    BiTS:  That sounds absolutely wonderful. I’m looking forward to seeing that and hearing it as

    FB:  Having said that, I have just recorded something new, so you did actually ask about new
    things. I’m looking to
    release a new album which

    is mainly solo and the other
    half of the album is just me
    and my drummer. I
    recorded that very quickly
    and I’ve just mastered it
    because it was when I could
    first get into the studio after
    lockdown. In Australia,
    things were quite tightly
    locked down, so in fact, I
    was in a different state from
    my band and I couldn’t
    cross the border. So when I
    finally could cross the
    border into my home state
    of Victoria, it meant I could finally get there. I could finally catch up with one of my bandmates.
    I could finally get into the studio. So we celebrated that by doing a pretty impromptu recording
    with lots of funky percussion and cigar boxes and stuff like that and I’m just in the process of

    mastering and producing that album now with a view to getting it out around March next year.
    BiTS:  Talking of cigar boxes, as you just did, on your website, there is a whole series of

    photographs of guitars including many cigar boxes. Have you any idea how many you’ve got –
    guitars, I mean?

    FB: [Laughing] Well, I should know because I just recently moved house so I had to actually try
    and find cases for them all. Yes, they’ve been proliferating actually. I’d say probably about 30
    instruments but I’m making a guess right now. Certainly, the cigar boxes have increased
    dramatically, although I have a core of three instruments that I tour with usually or two or
    three that are regular offenders and it’s a lot of fun. I remember back in the day where I had
    one acoustic, one electric and a bass and I thought that was all I needed and then I did get onto
    the gear acquisition syndrome and I started realising that different instruments make you play
    differently and so I got inspired by that. So the cigar boxes I’ve been mainly playing a six-
    string, a four-string which is a lap-style instrument and a three-string and I also got a gorgeous
    National Resolectric baritone. So these kind of instruments because they sound, their voicings
    are very different and the tunings are different, so it inspires you to just think outside the box
    and so it’s led to writing songs on those particular instruments and then they’ve ended up
    featuring on these recent albums.

    BiTS:  Have you ever made a cigar box yourself?

    FB: [Laughs] No, I haven't but my husband, Steve, who’s also known as The Preacher, The
    Buddhist Preacher, because he’s actually an ordained Anglican priest and I play the devil’s
    music. Thus we keep the world in balance there. I found that the cigar boxes that I was using
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