P. 16
Peru: Parliamentary Elections Reveal Important Novelties
Interesting surprises threw the recent election of congressmen in Peru, after 120 days without Legislative because the Parliament was dissolved by President Martín vizcarra. Attention was drawn to the emergence of the conglomerate of evangelicals and the fall of Fujimori.
After almost four months without Congress, due to the decision of President Martin Vizcarra to dissolve Parliament and call for new elections, 24 million Peruvians went to the polls to elect their representatives and the result was a great fragmentation of the Legislative in 10 parties without hegemonies, but inclined towards the right centre.
The big losers were Fujimori and its allies, who represented the Popular Force (Fuerza Popular) party, which received a vote of punishment as a result of its connection with the Odebrecht case and money laundering to nance election campaigns. In the last vote of 2016, the conglomerate achieved an absolute majority with 73 of 130 congressmen, in circumstances that currently only got seven percent of the votes and occupy the sixth place in Parliament. The worst achievements were, however, for the Aprista Party, of former
President Alan Garcia, who committed suicide last year to avoid going to jail for corruption, due to the same Odebrecht case. The group reached only ve percent of the votes. The formation of the extreme right National Solidarity (Solidaridad Nacional)failed to enter Congress, as did the group of the deposed President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, with the party With You (Contigo).
The one that got more votes than anyone was the centrist Popular Action (Acción Popular ) of former President Fernando Belaunde Terry with 10,1 percent of the preferences and went from ve to 25 legislators.
The surprises were the return to Congress of the evangelical group after 20 years, Popular Agrarian Front (Frente Agrario Popular, Frepap), the second most voted force, with nine percent of the ballot and fourth place in Parliament, with
p16 Montt Latin American Magazine