P. 2
Montt Montt
Montt Montt
Group Group
p6 Group
Permanencia en Latinoamérica
Presence in Latin America
Od ereptatiur? Maximi, site pedi re quo et dissequ
Montt Group, presente en los mercados más importantes de Montt Group, present in the most important markets of Latin
Latinoamérica, ofrece una amplia gama de servicios legales y America, o ers a wide range of legal and accounting services,
contables, entre otros. among others.
Una actitud orientada a la entrega de servicios sin límites An attitude oriented to the delivery of services without
de fronteras nos ha permitido consolidar una posición de frontiers, has allowed us to consolidate a privileged
privilegio en la región, transformarnos en un elemento position in the region, to become a facilitator of business
facilitador de negocios en el mercado y convertirnos en in the market and to become a platform for the entry of
una plataforma para el ingreso de nuevos actores. new players.
Our professionals come from the industries in which
Nuestros profesionales provienen de las industrias en que
our clients operate, allowing us to understand their
operan nuestros clientes, permitiéndonos comprender
needs and provide great support in the development
sus necesidades y brindar un gran apoyo en el desarrollo
of their businesses. In this way we become the ideal
de sus negocios. De esta forma nos convertimos en el
partner, because we take advantage of the opportunities
compañero ideal, para aprovechar las oportunidades de
of entering new markets and we obtain successful
entrada a los mercados y obtener un desempeño exitoso
performance in them.
en ellos.
Montt group
Central Office
Santa María Tower LosConquistadores1700,Fls.11 and26 Providencia, Santiago, Chile. Phone: (56 2 ) 22544-6800 – 22233-8266 Fax:(56 2) 22231-5495 – 22231-0944 e-mail:
offices in chile:
Antofagasta, Copiapó, Valparaiso, Concepción,PuertoMontt andPuertoAysen.
officesinlatin aMerica:
Argentina (Buenos Aires), Bolivia (La Paz and Santa Cruz), Brasil (Sao Paulo), Colombia (Bogotá), Ecuador (Quito), Mexico (Ciudad de
México), Paraguay (Asuncion) y Peru (Lima).
©2020MONTT laTiN aMericaNMaGaZiNe
The total or partial reproduction of the articles in this magazine is prohibited, without due permission. MONTTLATINAMERICAN
MAGAZINE is published every month and distributed free of charge, exclusively, to our customers. Your opinions can be sent to: Los Conquistadores 1700, Floors 11 and 26
Providencia, Santiago, Chile; E-mail:
p2 Montt Latin American Magazine