P. 4
expectations, provoking rejection and violent reactions in the population of our country.
In my opinion, the original cause, the initial deposit of social anger of the power that we could see last October 18 and the following days, which was able to cause a social outbreak of the magnitude of the Chilean, sudden and extended to the entire national territory, is precisely this group of young people from this last quintile, to
whom the country abandoned to a competition with the mass of immigrants, taking away the hope of ascending, since being immersed
class, which does not have this problem of competition with immigrants, something that, in a certain way, denatured the claim of the lowest quintile, and it lost focus. It is clear that the protest of the middle class for inequality, is an abstract, ideological protest, totally di erent from the protest of the last quintal, which is vital, that it is an extreme reaction to a situation of brutal deterioration, and that is not ideological. On the contrary it is extremely disruptive because of the position occupied by the agents inequality, which is a serious defect of our society, was mounted above this vital reason, and eclipsed it, and this because
inequality could be handled by politicians but not the vital reason that would devour them all together. It is important to understand this to know how to continue. Politicians took advantage of the situation, the real crisis and gave it an ideological dye, when considering the drafting of a new Constitution, with the requirement to start from a blank page, ignoring all the progress of Chile in the last 30 years, a trap in which the right incredibly fell.
I believe that this is the origin of this anger contained in a group
that with immigration was totally harmed. The most incredible thing is that nobody sees or wants to see this phenomenon, and nobody comes out in defence of that quintile.
On the other hand, they have no voice and only manifest themselves in the violence of the streets, but nobody recognizes them.
now in a mass of almost the same social size, little or nothing could be done.It iscleartodaythat Chile should have developed a much serious immigration policy, and not the simple indiscriminate opening of which both the left and the right have been
of new unemployed people
equally guilty.
Thus, this
Chilean social
movement is
largely caused
initially by the
low quintile of
our country.
This group was
beginning to
live an interesting moment, because there was a shortage of human resources, and it was in optimal conditions to take advantage of the waterfall, typical of the neoclassical economy. This segment abruptly experienced the competition of immigration, which for a low salary accepts jobs previously carried out by that national group, taking away expectations and job positions and massively breaking into the services o ered by the community.
It is true that this initial outbreak in Chile was subsequently added to the emerging middle
p4 Montt Latin American Magazine