Page 16 - Resurgemus
P. 16
Today, the most common societal divide that exists between the rich and the poor
(famous and non-famous, aristocrat and non-aristocrat, successful and unsuccessful
etc) is being mocked by the tiny virus. We have seen various celebrated world figures,
political leaders, members of affluent families, and successful personalities being
affected by this pandemic. No wealth, lobby or social status has been able to keep this
pathogen at bay.
The world has witnessed few pandemics in the past which have taken more lives than
the world wars. From 1347 to 1351, the ‘black death’ (Bubonic Plague) killed 200
million people, wiping out 30 to 50 percent of Europe’s population. It took more than
200 years for the population to recover. In 1520, smallpox killed about ninety
percent of Native Americans. This tells us about the wrath of the laws of nature and
the uncertainty of our existence. The story of humanity revolves around the laws of
nature and there is nothing supreme than nature which has been existing for billions
of years.
Several interesting instances in the present have taken us back to the basics of life.
The virus has taught us many practical things
which we had read in books, scriptures etc, and
ignored. It has made us work together without
any differences and for a common cause. This is
the first time we have felt that we as the human
race are fighting for our existence against a
microscopic organism. We are more aware of our
presence on this planet and are being more
careful about our survival in the future.
The concept of individual responsibility is
thriving and it is a key parameter to move
towards success in this mission against the virus.
Few basic things like hygiene and personal healthcare being practised by people
across the world. The isolation technique has made us think and look inwards. A
sense of gratitude towards life, family members and loved ones is experienced and
the bonding with life has grown stronger.
Daily habits, which were lost long ago in the fast-moving pace of work-life and in
chasing ambitions, are returning. People have started to cook their own food, clean
their house, read their diaries written long ago, share those long-pending stories with
their children, call some of their old friends who are stuck in a foreign land, spend
quality time with their loved ones, play the guitar which was lying in the corner for
months, and do many more things which are dear. Our world has moved in a
direction where insensitivity and irresponsible behaviour had become normal.
Socially, we have converted into creatures who are running after what we want and
not what we need. This imbalance will lead us to great turmoil, and the presents
scenario shows us that. The human ego has played a role in this downfall and nature
has shown her power time and again.