Page 12 - Pearson ELT USA K12 catalog
P. 12

New Keystone


                                             New Keystone accelerate English language proficiency and
                                             academic success. The series, designed for students aged
                                             10 to 14, is the third edition of the highly successful
                                             reading and language development program. It offers
                                             scaffolded, sustained instruction combined with an explicit
                                             focus on language development. This proven approach
                                             accelerates language acquisition, literacy, and transferable

                                             academic skills simultaneously.

                                             Academic rigor is assured through alignment to the
                                             Common Core State Standards. The series also develops
                                             transferable academic skills.


  •    Drives student progress: a flexible reading and language development program
       that accelerates student achievement through scaffolded, sustained instruction
       and language development strategies.

  •    Thematic units: each level has 6 thematic units organized around a Big Question.

  •    Mapped to the Global Scale of English (GSE): provides focused learning
       objectives that facilitate greater precision in performance assessment.

  •    Aligned to the Common Core State Standards: offers the rigor of a first language
       course, while care has been taken to scaffold learning, so it is an appropriate pace
       for second-language learners.

  •    Reading is at the heart of every unit: each reading focuses on comprehension,
       reading strategies, and building fluency.

  •    Authentic readings: lessons center on a wide range of genres, including
       biographies, informational texts, and poems, as well as classic and contemporary

  •    Reader+: a digital copy of the book with audio and video embedded. It is possible
       to highlight text, make notes, bookmark pages, and zoom.

  •    EXAMVIEW™: allows teachers to create and customize a test, edit and delete
       questions from a question bank, and print tests.

  Learn more 
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