Page 2 - Pearson ELT USA K12 catalog
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New Cornerstone
New Cornerstone accelerates language proficiency and builds
literacy and academic skills.
The series supports young learners where the English
curriculum is extensive, as they strive for academic success
and full English proficiency in a global environment. Young
learners prepare for future study and opportunities with an
effective method that is aligned to Common Core State
• Key concepts and vocabulary: each unit is organized around a big question and
provides a starting point for building understanding.
• Systematic skills development: three readings per unit develop academic skills
and literacy.
• Vocabulary acquisition: accelerate acquisition through explicit instruction.
• Understanding by design: develop transferable academic skills through
connected learning.
• Grammar rules: clear explanations with examples and rules introduce key
grammatical concepts.
• Research-based reading and language skills instruction: balances content-area
readings with age-appropriate, high-interest stories.
• Digital resources: new Teacher and Student digital resources, including brand new
videos, audio, EXAMVIEW® and Reader+.
Learn more