Page 142 - eBook Version 8 Book 1 of 2 JUL 2022
P. 142

STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Research Administration SOP No: R-Reg-009
SOP Title: ClinCard Establishment, Distribution and Management
The participants will receive the payment at the end of each appointment. The visit order and payment description will be tracked online. The CRC will maintain a log to track the number of ClinCards being actively used. The clinic manager will sign off on the log as well.
Important Considerations:
• If a family does not provide social security number, then the payment amount will be decreased at the current IRS tax rate. Study payments are considered taxable income and are reportable to the IRS.
• If a participant does not complete an appointment, they will not get compensated for that appointment. Exemptions for special circumstances will be discussed with the Clinic Manager and the PI.
5.4 Lost or Stolen Cards
If a participant loses his or her card or the card gets stolen, he/she should contact the CRC immediately. The CRC will have the ability to void the previous card and reissue a new one. The replacement will cost the participant $7.00, and it will be taken out of their next payment. The balance (if any) left on the original card will automatically be transferred to the new card. If the funds on the original card were fraudulently spent, no funds will be transferred.
5.5 Void Process for Payment Errors
If the CRC enters an incorrect amount on the card, they will immediately void the payment and issue the correct amount. They will inform the participant of the change and record it in the log. If the participant leaves before the change is noticed, the CRC will correct the error immediately, inform the participant, and record the change in the log. Payments made to the participants will be checked by the clinic manager the following day. In case an erroneous payment is spent before it can be voided, the case will be reviewed with the PI and Clinic Manager to prevent future occurrences.
5.6 Coverage for the CRC
When the CRC is not available, the individual covering will report to the Clinic Manager to go over the SOP. The coverage will follow the SOP and maintain the participant log. If he or she has any questions or concerns they will consult either the Clinic Manager or PI. In case of emergency, coverage for the CRC will be handled by the Clinic Manager or the PI. When the CRC is taking time off, the CRC will inform the research administration beforehand. Since the CRC is the primary user for the study, the individual covering will need to contact the research administration to have payments entered for the participants. This can be done via secure email or over the phone for each ClinCard payment.
Communication 25 5
Socialization and Support 25 6
Positive Affect and Wellness 25 7
Multifamily Group/Discharge 25 8
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