Page 244 - eBook Version 8 Book 1 of 2 JUL 2022
P. 244
STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Research Administration SOP No: R-Reg-107 SOP Title: EPIC Research Billing Report
The purpose of this standard operating procedure (SOP) is to describe the standard procedures for managing your study related charges via your EPIC research billing report (RBR).
Alongside our institution’s strategic priority of efficiency, we have incorporated support from Information Systems to improve the management of research related charges incurred at Children’s Health. As part of our business acumen, all research related charges must be accounted for in an approved study budget and agreement to secure reimbursement. Additionally, all research related charges must be managed and accounted for to instantiate invoicing. The EPIC billing system is a newly developed method to improve the efficiency of managing research related charges directly in the Patient Accounting system to prevent, detect and correct research billing errors.
An integral part of the EPIC Billing system is the EPIC RRB. The RBR is a billing report of research related charges generated in real time for research patients registered on research trials through Velos within the CHST system. The report is part of the infrastructure of the EPIC accounting system and is customizable to any person who plays a role in overseeing the study finances across research at CHST.
This SOP applies to research coordinators, associates, sub-investigators, co- investigators or principal investigators and any other staff members involved in the research studies.
The study coordinator should complete study start-up checklist with the team lead (see SOP Overview of Study Start-Up) and ensure that they are included in Velos and eIRB as “Other Study Personnel”. Upon PSA approval and sponsor activation, the coordinator should update the study status in Velos setting to “Active and Enrolling” (see SOP Study Registration) and contact and cc the respective financial analyst to build the study accounting record and activate it in EPIC (observe alpha split by the PI’s last name). The coordinator should follow the guidance in this SOP to build the EPIC RBR and then run the report daily ensuring that all charges are correctly allocated to the patient’s HAR or the study HAR (for research related charges) as indicated by the service order agreement (SOA). Additionally, the coordinator will have to follow the guidance in the SOP titled EPIC RBR Entering Orders: Training and Compliance to enter research related charges as they are accrued according to the SOA incorporating the requisite documentation where comments are indicted throughout the RBR process.
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