Page 414 - eBook Version 8 Book 1 of 2 JUL 2022
P. 414

STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Research Administration SOP No: R-Rec-104 SOP Title: e-Consenting
• Upon entering email addresses, a new page will populate that will allow the RC/RA to specify who needs to sign in what area.
o Adobe Sign will detect fields in the document that potentially require a signature
• Scroll through the document attached and locate the detected fields. When located, select the form detector icon on the top left corner.
• Select the first highlighted area that will require signature and right click then select “edit”
• The user will be able to assign the appropriate email address for signature purposes
• The user will have to edit all fields highlighted to ensure the email address matches
the field for appropriate signature
• Once all fields have been delegated to an assigned email address, click “send” at the bottom right-hand corner
• The document will send to the first person who requires signature. Upon their completion, the document will automatically go to the second individual to sign. Finally, the document will be sent to the RC/RA. Upon having all signatures, the final document will be sent to all parties.
SOP no.
Effective Date
Significant Changes
Previous SOP no.
08/01/202 2
Removal of COVID Restrictions & ongoing modifications
“On-Hold: Not Approved” status
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