Page 458 - eBook Version 8 Book 1 of 2 JUL 2022
P. 458

STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Research Administration SOP No: R-Com-100
SOP Title: Coordinating an Introduction with the PI
4.2 Making the Introductions
Upon developing and adequate onboarding plan, the team lead will forward the outlook appointment to the new team member securing the time for the introductory meeting with their PI(s). Prior to the meeting, the team lead will orient the new team member to their new study assignments providing them with the study status, protocol, regulatory documents, and information about the PI. At the introductory meeting, the team lead will introduce the new team member and PI and provide a brief introduction of each individual’s background and experience using AIDET, before providing an overview of the study and its current status. The PI and new team member will continue their discussion of the study and will conclude the meeting with an agreement on a set of expectations for the study and its conduct.
5.1 Preparation of the Orientation
A preparatory meeting is needed in order to adequately prepare the assimilation of the new team member:
1. Schedule a meeting in outlook with the director, team leads, educator, and administrative coordinator:
a. Open Outlook Calendar.
b. Select a date and time for the meeting 1 or 2 weeks prior to the new team member’s start date.
c. Use scheduling assistant to confirm the attendees’ availability.
d. Send the outlook invitation to all required attendees.
2. Prepare a meeting agenda:
a. Obtain the necessary information about the new employee’s terms of employment.
b. Discuss the logistics of the team member’s assignments:
i. Where will they work?
ii. What percentage of time is dedicated to each PI and study?
iii. Is their desk and starting supplies set-up?
iv. What is the orientation and onboarding training schedule?
1. Research Educator will complete the orientation and onboarding.
2. Team lead will synchronize with the educator to align supplemental training and preceptorship in a manner supportive of their hiring portfolio.
v. Has the required access requests been initiated?
vi. Is the onboarding check-off sheet completed?
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