Page 53 - eBook Version 8 Book 1 of 2 JUL 2022
P. 53
STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Research Administration SOP No: R-Reg-003 Title: Initiating the Research Laboratory &
Approval Process 5.2 Lab Requestion Forms: In order to create a lab instruction sheet you will need to ensure
you have:
• Study funding agreement executed [e.g., service order agreement (SOA)]
• Lab Approval letter (lab approval number is provided in letter)
• Protocol
• Lab Manual
• Lab Requestion Template
5.2.1 Finding the Lab Instruction Template:
Upon receiving a lab approval letter from the lab review completed by Matt Quintero ( you will be given a lab requisition template to complete and submit for review), or you can the template here on the Research Administration Share Point page. Once reviewed, your approved lab requisition sheets with a unique approval code will be sent to you. Please, resubmit for review and approval upon any relevant protocol amendments. Lab Reviews should be submitted to (see SOP Overview of Study Start-Up).
5.2.2 Creating the Lab Instruction Sheet:
There are 4 parts that need to be edited with study specific information. There are specific instructions on how to fill out each section below.
5.2.3 Lab Sheet Section 1:
Please add the following study specific information below.
PI Name, Study Name, IRB#, study visit, and sample type (i.e., chemistry, hematology). Additionally, please complete the Lab Study Approval # in the designated space. The Subject number will be complete at the time of the study visit.
5.2.4 Lab Sheet Section 2:
In this section, please add study specific information as indicated.
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