Page 567 - eBook Version 8 Book 1 of 2 JUL 2022
P. 567

STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Research Administration SOP No: R-Adm-003
SOP Title: Measuring Productivity: Monthly Report
Table 5.2.1 CRWT Spreadsheet Excerpt: Study Workload
• Determining the comprehensive CRWT score: Each study team member should have an entry for any study for which they take part. The Monthly Report captures the roles each team members contributes to the study and this is accounted for in the CRWT tool by way of role deduction in columns “G” through “L”.
• The tool naturally gives 100% of the overall CRWT score to the Lead CRC, or scoree. However, Columns “G” through “I” reflect 25% deductions that are covered by someone other than the scoree in the given entry field (e.g., co-CRC or RN, PI, ancillary support).
• In other words, for every study for which they take part, even at a very basic level (e.g., data only), they are given a percentage of the total study workload in the adjusted workload in column “L”. The percentage of every effort counts toward their total workload in the Dashboard.
5.2.2 Team Lead: enter the data from the Monthly Report. Please, see Table 5.2.2 for an excerpt of the Monthly Report spreadsheet to define study workload and the attachment at the end of this SOP for a data dictionary for each factor included in the tool.
Table 5.2.2 CRWT Spreadsheet Excerpt: Study Workload
• Column “X” adjusts the level of engagement based on three study stages including study start-up/ close-out (.25), follow-up only (.5), and active and enrolling (1.0).
• Columns “Y” through “AA” calculate to total the number of active patient on protocol, which is reflective of what the CRC/A report in the Active subjects column of the their Monthly Report.
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