Page 574 - eBook Version 8 Book 1 of 2 JUL 2022
P. 574

STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE Research Administration SOP No: R-Adm-003
SOP Title: Measuring Productivity: Monthly Report
point in the collective protocol weight that will ultimately get multiplied to the number of active subjects.
This is a scaled entry and additional workload factor. If there are any additional workload factors that are not already covered by the tool, you can add point up to a full additional point as with the other substantive factors included. Some additional workload factors our group includes, are "Sleep study visits", "Food challenges", and having a portfolio that spans > 2 service areas.
Together the above factors determine the comprehensive CRWT Score
This is the stage of the study. Study Start-Up/Closing= .25. Follow-Up=.50. Active and enrolling= 1.0. this factor will be included as part of the algorithm in determining the overall case workload.
This is the total number of subjects enrolled on the study. This should reflect the total subjects enrolled on the Monthly Report and the total number on the enrollment log and Velos subject roster.
This is the total number of subjects that are no longer on the protocol for whatever reason. This is deducted from the total Number of subjects along with the number of deceased patients in order to determining the total number of active subjects, which will be multiple by the CRWT comprehensive score and should be match what the CRC state on their Monthly Report as the active number of subjects.
This is the total number of subjects that are deceased. This is deducted from the total Number of subjects along with the number of patients withdrawn/completed in order to determining the total number of active subjects, which will be multiple by the CRWT comprehensive score and should be match what the CRC state on their Monthly Report as the active number of subjects.
Together the above factors determine the 1) Study Stage, or level of engagement, and 2) Number of Active Patients, which will be multiplied to the comprehensive CRWT Score
Enter 'Other' weight
Study Stage Weight
Total Number of Patients Enrolled
Number of Patients Withdrawn/Completed
Number of Patients Deceased
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