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Jabberwock 2021 Dedication
Dedication in Honor
Soror Kay T. Thomas
The Rocky Mount Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. hon-
ors Soror Kay Thompson Thomas with the Jabberwock 2021 Dedica-
tion. In Fall 1963, she entered North Carolina College in Durham,
North Carolina (North Carolina Central University) becoming a
proud freshman “Eagle.” There, she was a member of the famed
NCCU Marching Sound Machine, she met her life partner, Donald
Thomas, whom she married after graduation, and in Fall of 1963, she
was initiated into the Alpha Lambda Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta
Her first job was in Lynchburg, Virginia, where she connected with her sorority sisters in the Lynchburg
Alumnae Chapter. She was secretary from 1967-1969 and president from 1969-1970. Soror Thomas birthed
one son, Sean, but Kay and Don are the parents of many sons and daughters. Most, like Sean, attended
North Carolina Central University. Returning to Rocky Mount in 1974, she was employed by the Rocky
Mount City School System. After the school merger, Soror Thomas served as the Director of Human Re-
sources for Nash- Rocky Mount Public Schools, retiring in 2005 after 39 years of dedicated service to
teaching and learning for all students.
Her return united her with Delta again via the Rocky Mount Alumnae Chapter. She has served as presi-
dent and secretary and Chair of Jabberwock Coronation, Scholarship and Policies and Procedures Com-
mittees. She was named Delta Dear of the Year. Soror Thomas is a Golden Life Member and a Golden Del-
ta Dear of 57 years. She was Chair of the Regional ACE Committee and member of the 1974 National Con-
stitution and Bylaws Committee.
Soror Kay Thompson Thomas has been involved with Jabberwock Committee since 1991. She serves as
Treasurer of the Foundation – DCLD (The Delta Center for Life Development)- whose financial services
are contracted by the Chapter for Jabberwock. Her Jabberwock financial responsibilities are extensive; yet
she has performed each task willingly and flawlessly for years!
She is a Life Member of North Carolina Central University Alumni Association and a past president. She
has received the Chancellor’s Distinguished Alumni Award and the NCCU National Alumni of the Year
Award. She is also past Chair of the NCCU Board of Trustees.
Soror Thomas is a member of St. John AME Zion Church Chair of Trustee Board and member of Finance
Committee. She serves the City of Rocky Mount City on the Redevelopment Board.
Soror Thomas supports and advocates for each administration with zeal and determination. She is a su-
perb sister, a magnificent mentor and a sensational Soror. The Rocky Mount Alumnae Chapter honors
Soror Kay T. Thomas with Jabberwork Dedication 2021.