Page 49 - Summary 6 2025
P. 49

Delta Modern Language Schools
Science department
Grade 6
1st term 2024- 2025


   • Meteorologists are scientists who study weather.
       They must understand convection and radiation G.R
       To help them predict the weather.

   • Engineers must understand conduction, convection and radiation to
       design new products such as tools of cooking and design sidewalk that
       are cooler and shadier.

   • Thermal insulators cannot prevent the transfer of heat completely, but
       they slow down the heat transfer through them.

 • The measurements of temperature differ from
     one place to another along the handle of the

 • The handle is warmer closer to the pan and it
     is cooler as we go far away from the pan. G.R
     Because the heat travels very slowly along the
     handle that is made of thermal insulating

 • The wooden handle warms up faster than
     plastic handle.

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