Page 40 - Summary 6 2025
P. 40

Delta Modern Language Schools
Science department
Grade 6
1st term 2024- 2025

Change from solid to liquid(melting) Change from liquid to solid(freezing)

Melting:                                      Freezing :

It is the change of state of matter from      It is the change of state of matter from

solid state to liquid state.                  liquid state to solid state.
● On heating a solid matter.                  ● On cooling a liquid matter.

The thermal energy of molecules of solid      The thermal energy of molecules of liquid
matter increases.                             matter decreases.
●The force that holds these molecules         ●The force that holds these molecules together
together decreases so; they vibrate faster.   increases so; they vibrate slower.
●Molecules start to move away from each       ●Molecules start to get close together so, the
other, so the solid matter changes to liquid  liquid matter changes to solid matter and this
matter and this process is called "melting"   process is called "freezing"
Example: Ice changes to water.                Example: Water changes to ice.

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