Page 53 - Summary 6 2025
P. 53

Delta Modern Language Schools
Science department
Grade 6
1st term 2024- 2025


Material                       Made of what               Properties

  Steel                        Mixture of iron and other   It is strong and lasts for a
Concrete                                 elements                    long time.

                               Mixture of rock, sand and  - It is liquid until it dries, it
                                           water.            become hard

                                                          - It is used as a base of
                                                             building and bridges
                                                             because it is very strong.

In some cases, new materials are created due to the chemical

Plastic                        Petroleum (liquid & burns - Tough solid.

                               easily)                    - Resists burning

In other cases, new materials are created by mixing materials at high

Shrink-wrap                             We add heat to plastic to make it shrink.
                                Mixture of sand with      Becomes hard when it cools
                               small soda ash (sodium


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