Page 19 - V. Sattui Winery 2021 Holiday Catalog
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was decades ago (the same can’t be The magic that is created by this New Vintage
said for the 8-track player!), and we spooky phenomenon, gives the 2018 $39 per bottle
continue to sell out of it each year. Entanglement a black inky color and NOW: $29.25 per bottle (25% case discount)
However, don’t limit its appeal to the wild perfumes of lavender, Provencal Save $9.75 per bottle
table. This wine’s mouthwatering, ultra- herbs and earthiness, along with dark,
ripe strawberry-like fruit and tart-sweet compote-like boysenberry and smoky 2017 NAPA VALLEY
finish is great just for sipping come wine- meat flavors. Cassis follows once you CABERNET SAUVIGNON
o-clock! take a sip, along with licorice and white The red counterpoint to our Napa
$32 per bottle pepper. This is one of my favorite wines Valley Chardonnay is our Napa Valley
NOW: $24.00 per bottle (25% case discount) for all around enjoyment and goes so Cabernet. Both these wines benefit by
Save $8.00 per bottle well with savory holiday feasts of fowl the winemaker’s ability to intricately
or roast. blend, down to maybe only a percent
2018 NAPA VALLEY ENTANGLEMENT “Best Rhone Red Blend” | 94 Points or two of a different lot and or variety
Platinum – Monterey Int’l
The idea to produce this wine came to Wine Competition to craft a wine that is complete from
Brooks Painter and I when we visited 92 Points – CA Grapevine start to finish. Reviewing my tasting
the wine region Châteauneuf-Du- $44 per bottle notes on this wine reveals savory and
Pape in the Rhone region of France. NOW: $33.00 per bottle (25% case discount) extracted black fruits, black cherry,
We instantly fell in love and vowed to Save $11.00 per bottle beautiful ripeness, and rich flavors that
produce our own estate grown, new- completely mask the tannins. On the
world style blend from the classic 2019 RUSSIAN RIVER ZINFANDEL drinkability chart, this hits the mark! It is
Rhône varieties of Syrah, Grenache Of all our 12 different zinfandels, the not by accident that this wine excels,
and Mourvèdre. What sets this wine 2019 Russian River Zinfandel checks all as it is blended from all our great
apart from other blends, is that the the boxes and, in my opinion, finds the vineyards, including Preston, Morisoli,
varieties are fermented together, rather sweet spot for Zinfandel. The eastern Mt. Veeder and Vittorio’s. This is our
than separately and blended later. It Russian River appellation in Sonoma best-selling Cabernet and I highly
is precisely this process, by which the County provides the perfect micro- recommend this wine for all your
grapes are co-fermented that something climate for this old-vine, giving a little holiday gift giving and meals.
was created that we could not explain. more heat during the day as compared 94 Points | Platinum –
Einstein called this phenomenon, to those sites further west and closer to Monterey Wine Competition
Gold – San Francisco
“spooky action at a distance,” as the maritime influence, yet cooler than International Wine Competition
particles (grapes to us) become linked 90 Points – CA Grapevine
or entangled and eventually share the heat-drenched sites of Dry Creek.
the same existence, hence the perfect You’ll find lots to like with this old-vine $55 per bottle
name: Entanglement. I must give credit Zin. It’s loaded with vibrant dark black NOW: $41.25 per bottle (25% case discount)
Save $13.75 per bottle
to Seth Putterman, noted American fruits, dried herbs, and fragrant
physicist, Professor of Physics and vanilla, balanced by delicious dark and
Astronomy at UCLA and great friend red berry flavors and a long, lingering
of V. Sattui, for the collaboration and finish. This wine makes a superb gift
naming of this wine. for the red wine lover and is another
perfect pairing with most holiday meals.