P. 24

Teacher’s Report

               The months of August and September were full of fun and frolic for the
               tiny  toddlers.  They  celebrated  festivals  with  great  enthusiasm.The
               project aimed at teaching children the importance of festivals in their

               lives. The children thoroughly enjoyed the Power Point Presentation on
               festivals which was shown to them by their teacher, Mrs Jeeva Harish.

               The children were made to celebrate festivals of their own country as
               well as other countries as the project’s main aim was to inculcate in

               children  the  value  of  national  integration  and  world  peace.  The
               happiness that the students derived while celebrating festivals cannot

               be  measured  in  words.  They  celebrated  Indian  festivals  like  Holi,
               Raksha Bandhan,  Deepavali and festivals of western countries like

               Christmas, Halloween, Tomatino with unrestrained  joy. The parents
               fully cooperated and extended help as and when required

                There  were  different  activities  like  colouring  sheets  and  making
               decorative articles viz. diyas, masks, rakhis. The ISA project met its

               goal of teaching the children importance of festivals and helping them
               develop various skills through different activities.

               The project teacher in-charge

               Mrs Vinoda Banger
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