P. 21

page 21 of 62 pages

       PRODUCT ID  : ICrIPE23-MP-58
                                     NOOR SURIANI BT NAZRUDDIN
                                     NUR SA’ADAH BT MOHD HISAM

                     Background                                           Problem Statement

      Teaching  and  learning  probability  in  DPB30063  Statistics  can  Final examination result for this courses shows that the students
      become  quite  challenging.  This  is  because  it  requires  the  was unable to answer the probability questions. Out of 25 marks
      application  of  both  mathematics  and  real  world  thinking.  Finding  for probability, 80% of the students get below 10 marks.
      methods  to  get  students  more  actively  involved  in  the  learning  They do not perform in the End of Chapter (EOC) assessment for
      process is a challenge when teaching probability. Understanding  probability topics. There are only 5% of students in Session 1:
      the  concept  of  the  probability  is  also  a  struggle  for  Diploma  in  2022/2023 who were able to get 80% above in the EOC.
      Marketing students.

                       Objectives                                        Innovation Highlight
                                                                  Attractive and  fun way  of learning  to growth  students’  attention
        To  help  the  student  in  understanding  the  basic  concepts  of  and participation during the learning session.
        probability and develop thinking skills that are needed to solve  Facilitating invention for teaching probability in the class room.
        probability questions.                                    Create  physical  teaching  materials  with  value  and  generate
        Familiarize the students with the concept of probability through  students’ thinking skill
        real involvements learning activity.                      Experiencing real situation to develop better understanding.
        To help them achieve better result in End of Chapter (EOC) and  Recommended  for  all  educators  and  students  to  use  in  their
        final examination for DPB30063 Statistics course.         probability session of teaching and learning.

               Commercial Values                                                How to use?

        It is expected to have high commercial value as Pro-Gear can
        be sell to all educators and students in secondary schools and  Can be used individually or by group.
        especially to all polytechnics in Malaysia which have probability  Lecturer guides the students to used Pro-Gear in class
        topic in their curriculum.                                Students practice the experiments and write the outcomes at the
        Produced  at  cheaper  cost  (RM12.00),  so  the  value  for  each  back of the card
        Pro-Gear is affordable to all educators and students.     Students  may  discuss  among  themselves  the  outcome  of  the
                                                                   Lecturer give immediate feedback to the student's answers

                                                                                What inside?

                                                                  10 pcs of questions cards
                                                                  3 pcs of dice
                                                                  3 pcs of coins
                                                                  10 pcs of picture cards
                                                                  3 colored balls (5 pcs for each color)
                                                                  Marker & duster


                                                                 The  ultimate  goal  of  Pro-Gear  is  to  make  learning  of  Probability
                                                                 topic  more  interactive  and  enjoyable,  so  that  the  students  are
                                                                 motivated to learn and able to solve simple probability questions.
                                                                 Thus, resulting a better score in their End of Chapter assessment
                                                                 and Final Examination.
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