Page 30 - Two Wise Men - Stories for Children Inspired from the Wit and Wisdom of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger by Vishal Khandelwal (
P. 30

The Two New Restaurants in Town

           talk to Mohan about earning lakhs of rupees from their
           branches, and then looking for new locations in the town.

           When Mohan told him he wanted his parents to move to
           Lucknow, Gopal did not know how to react. It was too
           soon  for  him.  He  asked  Mohan  how  he  would  support
           them also in Lucknow.

           “I have made a decent profit in this one year,” Mohan said.
           “I think, in some time, I can ask my parents to consider
           shifting to Lucknow.”

           “But isn’t it too soon?” Gopal asked.  “How much profit
           have you made? I cannot afford to bring my parents here.
           I have barely earned any money this year. Isn’t it early for
           a business to start earning profits?”

           “Well Gopal,” Mohan said, “I have managed to save a bit.
           I can now shift into a bigger house as well. What are you
           planning to do?”

           “I have no plans to shift my family here yet! And I cannot
           afford a bigger place! How will I pay rent for this place
           alone?” he said, getting angry with Mohan.

           “Of  course,  Gopal,  I  won’t  shift  till  you  can  earn  some
           more money,” Mohan replied while keeping his hand on
           Gopal’s shoulder.

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