Page 56 - Two Wise Men - Stories for Children Inspired from the Wit and Wisdom of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger by Vishal Khandelwal (
P. 56

My Dad’s Hero

              “You’re lucky in life if you have

                            the right heroes.

              To the extent that you can, pick

             out a few heroes. There’s nothing

                          like the right ones.
                                  ~ Warren Buffett


                                My Dad’s Hero

           “What is the time?” Mansa asked. She was waiting for her
           Dad to pick her up from school.

           “It’s time to leave,” said Hitesh. He zipped up his tennis
           racket, and tossed the ball in the air, repeatedly.

           “I know that. I’m asking you what does the watch say?”
           she asked, indignantly.

           “How does it matter?” he asked, his eyes on the ball in the
           air, hands ready to catch it as soon as it came down.

           “Oh Hitesh, you are so troublesome!” she said.

           “You are welcome,” he said.

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