Page 65 - Two Wise Men - Stories for Children Inspired from the Wit and Wisdom of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger by Vishal Khandelwal (
P. 65

The Bungalow on the Corner of the Street

                  “Envy is a really stupid sin

           because it’s the only one you could

                     never possibly have any

                  fun at. There’s a lot of pain

                                and no fun.”

                                 ~ Charlie Munger


              The Bungalow on the Corner of the Street

           Mr. Tripathi moved in with his family to Chembur when
           he shifted to Bombay. He rented out a small apartment in
           the corner of the street in his colony. Though his was a
           family of four – him, his wife, his mother and Rohan, his
           son  –  he  had  to  take  up  a  small  place  for  all  of  them.
           Having  just  moved  to  a  big  city  from  Allahabad,  Mr.
           Tripathi could not afford a big house. After settling in, he
           started going for his new job every day.

           Rohan was a small boy of thirteen when he joined White
           Spring School in his new colony. He made many friends
           in school, and they all used to go to his house to play in
           the afternoon after school. Mrs. Tripathi used to give them
           hot snacks and cool drinks while they played. Mr. Tripathi
           would  return  from  work  and  the  boys  would  still  be

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