Page 43 - RHC Helico Presentation
P. 43

Our new premi- will consist of larger
                                      workshopo with dedicated work boys for
                                   taor-down and rebuiJd, spore ports store, po1nt
                                       booth, sheet metal monufocturing ond
                                             Non-Destructive Testing.
                                   Our od,,onoed lechnologm will be conducted
                                     m-house such os carbon fibre productton,
                                   -- & upholstery ond Cerokole cooling. We
                                     w,I hove o dedocoted oreo to continue our
                                   """""1tr;e engineenng design ond fobricotion
                                      technologies, ond intend to explore ond
                                  implement nllOYOtion in the composite space to
                                   further strengthen our offering here at He!ico.

                                                             I         If I

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