P. 61

Matteo Vettorello | Pressione Simpatica
                                     curated by Irene Sofia Comi
                                     Edicola Radetzky, viale Gorizia, Milan.

                                     Pressione  Simpatica  (Sympathetic  Pressure)  is  the
                                     first solo show of Matteo Vettorello (Venezia, 1986),
                                     curated by Irene Sofia Comi and specifically designed
                                     for Edicola Radetzky’s spaces, in Milan.

                                     In this exhibition,  Vettorello presents the project
                                     Autoindicatore  di  pressione  simpatica  (Self-indica-
                                     tor of sympathetic  pressure), a large  interactive  and
                                     site-specific sculpture. Alternating different times and
                                     ways of fruition, the work is designed to actively in-
                                     volve the public, giving back the dual nature of the
                                     work, constantly oscillating between the concept of
                                     work of art and activation device. Almost like a medi-
                                     cal machine for a disease treatment, through a biome-
                                     tric system the sculpture re-elaborates the heart beats
                                     of the “patient-users”, measuring their empathic capa-
                                     city. Together with some mixed-media sketches, and
                                     with a night lighting designed ad hoc, the project be-
                                     comes a metaphor for a critical-ludic vision of the so-
                                     ciety and the surrounding urban landscape: Pressione
                                     Simpatica is at the same time limit and contact betwe-
                                     en alienation and collectivity, living in a threshold
                                     between magical occurrence and contemplative act.

                                     Due to the dual sculptural and performative nature of
                                     the artwork, the public will be able to interact with the
                                     sculpture in the spaces of Edicola Radetzky twice a
                                     week for the entire duration of the exhibition.
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