P. 28

With  violence,  that  attacks  conven-                  gram. In this case too, the exchange
       tions and flag beliefs, we return to the                 with  eastcontemporary  was  essen-
       “carnal  ritual”  of  the  body,  the  only              tial  to  sharing  visions  and  objecti-
       answer  to  the  impossible  “return  to                 ves.
       earth”  of  the  society  that  surrounds
       us.  Space  Powered  by  Non  follows  a
       logic not different: a brutalist totem
       that creates antimatter, the opposite
       of matter, its antithesis.

       Antimatter,  like  Lefebvre’s  utopia,  is
       not  a  wishful  idea,  but  a  fundamen-
       tal component of reality composed of
       matter and its opposite. The structure
       that stands at the center of the spa-
       ce  refers  to  the  hypertechnological
       systems  adopted  for  the  production
       of anti-matter, but he does it with a
       scrap, or as the artist himselfdeclares:

       “I  play  dirty:  physics  has  managed
       with enormous efforts to produce mi-
       nimal amounts of antimatter to clash
       with matter to generate energy with
       a  great  efficiency,  the  annihilation
       of  matter  with  antimatter  produces
       about  70  times  the  energy  produced
       by nuclear fusion of hydrogen to he-
       lium and four billion times the ener-
       gy produced by the combustion of oil,
       but to produce a gram costs 25 billion
       dollars. BC Energy company produced
       one kilo, enough to power the entire
       block for the duration of the show. It’s
       true, it will” .
       Stefano  Non  produces  new  energy
       for a neighborhood, Isola, a symbol of
       Milanese  creativity,  often  presented                  3 Email sent by the artist to the
       through hypster stereotypes and ge-                      curator in date 16/12/2020

       The antithesis of this urban represen-
       tation is Spazio Gamma:a place to pro-
       duce energy by rethinking the basis of
       the  dialogue  around  the  contempo-
       rary: no more event, but progressive
       human  construction  of  collaboration
       of the parties and people involved in
       each  presentation,  exhibition,  pro-

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